Tag Archives: Gina Orlando

Business Consulting

Wellness pays. Companies know this. Wellness coaching works to support the behavior and lifestyle changes needed for greater health and cost savings. Let me use my 30 years experience to help support your employees to improve their health. I offer various services and programs to help your employees get “wellthier” while helping your company’s bottom line, too. Healthier employees are simply more productive and happier.

  • Private wellness and health coaching
  • Group wellness and health coaching
  • Brown bag lunch seminars on various wellness topics
  • Stress reduction

Call me for details and pricing.I look forward to helping your employees.


Gina Orlando, MA, CH

Gina Orlando, MA, CH

I believe you are an exceptional spiritual being and that the work you are doing is very inspiring and highly needed.
– Bruno Cortis, M.D., Cardiologist and Author of “Heart and Soul


Gina Orlando is an amazing hypnotherapist and a gifted healer. My doctor recommended Gina to me when I was experiencing anxiety while driving on the highway.  I was able to put that fear behind with her assistance. Gina is non-judgmental, open, and caring, and she teaches you to work with tools that are useful in many different contexts. Make an appointment with her! It will be one of the best experiences of your life.

-T.C., College Professor

Thanks, Gina. You’ve played such a huge role in helping me with two anxiety areas of my life, smoking and public speaking. I always told myself that if I can present in public without feeling anxious and stressed, I could do almost anything. I feel I can. Thanks!

-S.M., Sales Rep


In every life there’s a point when we reach the “fork in the road.” Prior to meeting Gina, I’d reached several forks and taken many roads and didn’t like anything about my decisions. I couldn’t see how to get back to a path that would lead me to a peaceful life. I was pretty lost. I was recommended to Gina after a one-time chance encounter with a prior client of Gina’s. She suggested I try hypnosis.

I called Gina, not knowing what to expect or if she could be of any help. In fact, she was. Because of our sessions I began to find answers, feel stronger and move through the walls that were holding me back in old habits. Our sessions didn’t end at her door either. She gave me CD’s of the hypnosis that took place in the sessions and I was able to listen to them at night before falling asleep. Ultimately, I disclosed a serious issue and Gina, having great integrity, recommended me to a therapist who dealt with that type of issue. It’s hard to explain, but I don’t know where I would be without her help.

I now have a great new job and a wonderful husband. I don’t think I’d have that because I couldn’t see those things being attainable. Our sessions were my beacon of light when I felt lost. I could not be more pleased or thankful that we met.     -C. W.   Spring, 2012

Gina Orlando is a midwife of personal transformation. Having turned to her again and again for hypnotherapy and other healing resources, I eventually found myself.  What a joy to discover that healing transformation is possible –through gifted, skilled and knowledgeable healers liike Gina.  She will open your eyes to incredible healing resources that are just right for you. If you work with her over time, you may find that your life opens up in new and amazing ways.
– K. P, Consultant, Oak Park  2009

I deeply enjoy holistic energy work and use/practice many different forms of it. Of these many modalities I have found hypnosis to be the best access point for my subconscious mind. Gina Orlando has a very comforting way to help me achieve the goals I desire. My improved memory and peaceful sleep have been due to the sessions Gina guided me through.     -S.L., Airline Pilot, 2015


I wanted to let you know that I am doing well with my weight loss. I have lost 36 pounds since the start of the new year. I am down to the healthy body fat percentage. Also, I am starting to mix up my routine more and have signed up for fitness events.  All of this has changed how I think as well and has me very interested in the psychology of sport. There is much more that is possible when my mind can believe it. That ball got rolling for sure with our discussions, your coaching, and with your great self-hypnosis CDs.  Thanks,                                             -R.D.    Spring, 2012

Gina, I have fought an addiction to cakes, carbs and caffeine half heartedly for years. With your help I got into closer touch with my whole heart, and under your empathetic counsel I began to care deeply about what I was nourishing my body with.  I know it will continue to be a journey but I am moving away from deep cravings to a mild want, and you have given me the tools to work around the “wants”. Thanks so much for your intent listening, for picking up the cues and clues that move you to reveal and heal!
– K.S., Sales professional and artist

This group has been so helpful to me. While I have only lost about 15 pounds since we started, I know I have a different attitude and I know I can do this.  It’s not about the food.
– M.W., administrator

Gina is a colleague who happens to be as expert counselor in the field of weight loss as one could ever imagine.  She’s a truly lovely woman, spiritually gifted as well, and highly skilled in all dimensions of weight management and working with resistance.
– N.G., therapist

When I first came to Gina Orlando, I had battled my weight for 20 years. I needed a change to spur me on and thought about giving hypnosis a chance, but I was skeptical. Hell, my job requires me to doubt things until I have all the facts. Well here are the facts. a 50 lb. weight loss that has stayed off for years! Case closed!
– T.W., Chicago Police Officer, 2004 (still has maintained his weight loss)

The hypnosis class was a door opening for me to healthier living and real weight loss. There was no “instant miracle” being touted which always makes me skeptical. Understanding the body functions regarding metabolism along with lifetime lifestyle changes made real sense to me. I felt encouraged during class and not pressured to “compete” who lost the most weight. I continue to use the CDs in the evening and quiet times and feel refreshed after them. If I do fall asleep during a CD, I feel very positive the next morning. I have lost 35 pounds so far and I attribute it to using Gina’s hypnosis CDs, her great suggestions and the South Beach plan. I cut out soda, drink lots of water, very little sugar and excess carbs, try to exercise regularly and not feel guilty when I indulge in a favorite food on occasion. I really like the new energy I feel!
– LF, Forest Park , Business Owner


My daughter is doing so well. She sleeps well now 98% of the time. This has made a huge change in her life and our lives. Thank you!
– L.G., massage therapist and Mom

My son is no longer afraid of flying bugs!  Thank you!
– B.F., Mom

My son got over his anxiety with school and test performance with your help.  He says he is even having more fun now, too.  He just did excellently on the standardized tests.
– L.R., Mom


With your help, I was able to beat my personal best and place #5 in an international half marathon in my age range (45-55).  I am so excited!  Thank you!
– R.H., physician

Had to tell you. My golf game has improved considerably this season, but last night was a magical hour on the basketball court at the Gottlieb Fitness Center . There were only two other guys there, both hot shots, very good players in their early 20s. We played the strenuous game called “21” where it’s every man for himself, two guys playing defense against whoever has the ball. When I started hitting 3-pointers, the two defenders (one was about 6′ 4″ the other my height) guarded me closely. I’m an old guy (62 next month) and I’ve never been quick on the dribble, so it was impossible to drive around them for lay-ups. Instead, I put up jump hook shots from 25 feet–and they went in. I’d get a rebound, race to the 3-point arc, turn and shoot in one motion in the direction of the basket and barely get it off over their outstretched hands. Nothing but net! Just about every time! They were overplaying me so much on the outside that on rare occasions I was able to surprise them with a race to the basket, putting in a reverse left-handed lay-up once and a wild underhand shot off the backboard from six feet another time. I’ve been playing basketball all my life, but I’ve never had a shooting night like this before. Talk about being in the zone, I believed every shot was going in–and about 90% of them did. I won both games we played. My young opponents seemed devastated and happy for me at the same time. What a high! I don’t know how else to explain it. Self-hypnosis works. Thanks.
– A.B., editor

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