Gina Orlando, MA, CH
Education and Training
• Master of Arts from DePaul University , Chicago , IL as an Educator and Consultant in Holistic Health Promotion and Alternative Medical Therapies with a Mind-Body-Spirit Approach, 1998
- DePaul University Adjunct Professor since 2009
• C.H. (Certified Hypnotherapist) from the Leidecker Institute, Elgin, IL, 2001
• Certified in Complementary Medical Hypnosis through the National Guild of Hypnotists, Nashua, NH, 2002
• Continuous training in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) since 2001
• Certified in the Transformational Healing Method™, 2002
• Trained in Tapas Acupressure Technique™ (TAT), 2002
• Certified in Holographic Memory Resolution™, Levels I and II, 2005
• Certified as a Reiki Master, 2007
• Certified in Quantum Touch™, 2007
• Certified as a Wellness Coach in Wellness Mapping 360 by Dr. Michael Arloski, 2009
• Certified as a Health Coach in Wellness Mapping 360 by Dr. Michael Arloski, 2009
• Trained in Self-Created Health with Richard Gordon, 2009
I’ve been in the holistic health, natural foods and prevention fields since 1981 and have been a certified hypnotherapist since 2001. With 28 years experience in the holistic health field, I’ve been an educator, consultant, workshop leader, facilitator, writer, hypnotherapist and coach. I used to be a natural food and holistic health columnist for the Wednesday Journal in Oak Park and River Forest. As a faculty member of the National Guild of Hypnotists Convention, August 2003, 2005, 2007 as well as the Mid-America Hypnosis Conferences, 2003 -2009, I get an opportunity to help train my colleagues in the hypnosis field.
I am interviewed in the book by Iris Krasnow called “Surrendering To Yourself: You Are Your Own Soul Mate.” This third book in her trilogy came out in 2003. Iris was intrigued with my own personal and spiritual process and my work as a hypnotherapist. Iris has been a guest on Oprah, and her other two books were bestsellers.
Also, in 1986-87 I did wellness and natural food consulting within the medical practice of noted author Christiane Northrup, M.D., in Maine, author of “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom” [in which I am mentioned by name] and “The Wisdom of Menopause.” My thesis advisor was Bruno Cortis, M.D., local holistic cardiologist, and author of “Heart and Soul.” I was mentored for over two years by Rev. Dr. C. Scot Giles, known nationally and internationally for his work in complementary medical hypnosis, especially for his successful work with cancer patients through his hypnosis program at LaGrange Hospital in LaGrange, IL.
What else might someone want to know about Gina Orlando?
I grew up on the southeast side of Chicago in a loving extended Polish-Italian family, and close neighborhood and church and school community. This informed my life and I’m grateful for that. In my first career I was pulled to spiritual ministry as a church musician. I also taught children how to play piano and was an elementary music teacher (Pre-K through 8th ). I love children and music, and in this work I helped creatively inspire and lift minds, hearts and souls to that which is greater and deeper (which some call God). My life would not have been complete without this work. I am a student of world religions, which is a rich and important part of my life. I’m a health nut, and have had a long-time passion in learning and teaching about whole, real foods. I have been in Oak Park most of the time since 1975 and am involved in my community; we moved a half-mile west into Forest Park in 2021. I am married to Marty, who is a big, loving bear-kind-of-guy and who is also amazingly supportive of me and my work. That is a blessing. And even though our relationship offers us many opportunities for growth, we laugh a lot. We sing together on the church choir that I used to direct, and we love being a part of such a vibrant church community. I love to laugh and sing and am proud of having many long-lasting friendships.
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