Gina Orlando, MA, CH
HYPNOTHERAPY and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
See Gina’s Frequently Asked Questions about Hypnotherapy
You want to be happier and healthier, with more love, ease and opportunity in your life. I can help you get there by using hypnosis and EFT.
Each of us has thoughts, beliefs, habits, feelings, traumas and experiences that block our light and happiness.
I can help you to:
• use the power of your mind,
• connect more deeply with your spirit, and
• balance your energy, so you can create a healthier body
…and have more health, love, fun, success, ease and joy in your life.
We are complex beings comprised of body, mind, heart, soul and energy. Healing and positive changes are possible with an approach which takes into account your wholeness. I have a deep passion for vibrant health and for helping people. I’m a Certified Hypnotherapist, Wellness Coach and Consultant with a Master’s degree from DePaul University in holistic mind-body-spirit approaches to health. I have been in the holistic health field professionally since 1981. This broad and deep experience has given me a wealth of techniques and tools to help you move through your stuck places to achieve what you really, really want.
People are intrigued with hypnosis and have heard how very effective it is. The AMA approved the use of hypnotism in 1958. Hypnotherapy is a powerful process where you can release old pesky habits, beliefs and patterns and then can connect more easily with your inner divine wisdom, compassion, forgiveness and love for yourself and others. Imagine that!
Cutting edge scientific research supports the fact that thought is powerful energy and can change things. Where you place your energies, it will grow. Your life flows in the direction of your most dominant thoughts. Choose the positive, healing, encouraging thoughts. Yet, hypnosis is not just positive affirmation. In hypnosis you are connected much more deeply, to your subconscious mind, which controls 95% of your mental capacity. So it’s an important piece of the puzzle to create changes.
Hypnosis will feel familiar and comfortable to you… similar to deep relaxation, meditation and guided imagery. But it is more deep and it is guided towards your specific issues. Television and stage have given erroneous misinterpretations of hypnosis. Hypnosis is natural, highly effective, easy and interesting. And YOU ARE ALWAYS IN CONTROL. In fact, hypnosis puts you back in control! It’s great for healthy eating, smoking, stress, fears, performance enhancement, feeling better about yourself, and taking better care of yourself. When you have a stuck pattern or habit, hypnosis is a helpful tool. It’s appropriate for adults, teens and children. I love working with all age groups.
Hypnosis is also helpful for many medical conditions. There is so much positive research on the effectiveness of hypnosis for specific medical conditions. I am trained and certified in medical uses of hypnotism, with specialties in anxiety, panic, IBS, pain management, phobias, surgery preparation, as well as healthy eating, smoking and stress ( which often contribute to many medical conditions). However, to work with any medical condition, I do need a referral from your physician or licensed health care professional. The state requires this, because as certified hypnotherapists we cannot directly address a medical condition. I give a professional receipt that you can submit to your insurance company, but most insurance companies do not pay for hypnosis. I encourage you to consider investing in yourself and your health. You are worth it.
Another form of hypnosis allows you to connect with your Superconscious Mind, the Higher Self where you have access with your Wise Mind. The Wise Mind brings forth an overview of universal spiritual wisdom that helps people understand their experiences.
Still another style of hypnosis accesses your energy system to break up blocks, negative emotions, memories, patterns, habits and resistance. It’s called Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). It’s “that tapping technique” which is a powerful waking-hypnosis technique that helps transform pesky patterns and release stuck issues—often rather quickly. I use it for almost every one of my clients.
With this gentle tapping technique, you tap into your energy and nervous systems through significant stress relief or acupressure points. In our field of hypnosis, we would call this a waking hypnosis technique because you are focusing your mind on issues, while also engaging your body and its electricity with the tapping. Many hypnotic techniques also involve touching the body. Gary Craig, creator of EFT, says that EFT works because all emotional issues are an imbalance in the energy system. My sense also is that emotions, cravings, patterns have an energetic imprint and we are going to the energetic source where those imprints reside, and allow them to shift by tapping and using the power of your mental intention. There are various forms of EFT. You can learn more about it and the original form by visiting: www.emofree.com. Most people do better with a facilitator. I look forward to working with you with this amazing tool.
Here are the kinds of issues that Hypnotherapy and EFT are so helpful with:
• Ease stress, anxious feelings and overwhelm
• Eat healthier
• Support self-esteem, self-love, self-respect, self-care
• And more…
• Increase energy, vitality, youthfulness
• Live and work more authentically according to your core values
• Enhance your relationships and spiritual connection
• Manifest what you desire
• Put yourself on your own priority list
For diagnosed medical conditions, hypnotherapy clients need a medical referral.
• Reduce anxiety, panic, fears and phobias
• Improve IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
• Promote restful sleep
• Reduce and manage pain
• Examine alternative medical approaches for your issues.
As my Italian grandmother said, “Ev’ry body gotta some-a-ting.” We all have things we want to change. Hypnosis and EFT are various powerful and effective ways to access the mind-body for help and healing. Give me a call or email me to begin your process of change. I would look forward to working with you, either in person or by phone.
Anxiety relief requires three to six sessions.
Some clients and techniques require longer sessions. A client will share in that decision and these sessions are prorated. Any active clients will be given 60 days written notice of any change in fees.
Fees and Payment: I am a specialist, but I don’t charge specialist prices, so it’s affordable for you. I charge less than the going rate; please contact me for my current fees. I prefer Zelle/Chase QuickPay. I also accept checks or cash.
Missed Sessions: PLEASE call well in advance if you have to cancel your appointment. Except for cases of medical, family or personal emergency, I charge $50 for all appointments cancelled on less than 24 hours notice and not rescheduled within a week. I will also charge $50 if you do not show for a scheduled appointment.
See this article: “What The Hypnotic State Is… and Isn’t” by Gina Orlando, MA, CH
Feel free to call me with any questions and to set up an appointment: (708) 524-9103.
Since working with issues is a process, I ask for a three-session minimum.
See Gina’s page on her wellness coaching/consulting services
Healthy wishes,
Gina Orlando, MA, CH
(708) 524-9103
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